Professional  Quality of Service Delivery

As a professional  Engineering  Company it is our duty to protect customers against  any form abuse and miscommunication. Any service and solutions that we render must adhere to this statutory standard. Professional Engineers are bound by legal ethics  in execution of their duties. As an Engineer we must guard against selling product and service that may not bring clear and tangible benefits.



We provide complex technology and solutions- this means our customers rely on trust to do business with us. It is our implicit and explicit duty  to make sure at any  point in business transaction we do not breach that trust. Omissions, shortcoming, delay, breakages must be communicated to the customer in writing so that the customer must understand the risk and reward at every time. As complex technology brings risks and rewards, it is  our duty to clearly explain such risk and rewards to the customer. In each and every project, we provide written risk and reward analysis.



  Our liabilities are limited to the extent of law of the land. This means we ensure against shortages against second and third parties. Losses resulting to parties not directly related project and service may not be covered. In case you have question regarding liabilities- please contact us regarding what is covered and what is not. In plan and simple English we cover your interest, while most of the other vendors will not provide such coverage.



We sell, service and provide solutions that we think bring value in short term and long term. In case such values rendered is not clear, you can always contact us to demonstrate values in written terms. Please note the person on the ground executing the service many not have the system level picture and comprehension of the entire project. Because of this reason, the person on the ground may not be able to explain the risk and rewards that the project will bring you - the customer. Please direct all such inquiries to us.