IMC as shown in the diagram - 2.1 above is a marketing strategy analysis, target marketing process followed by planning and program development. The resulting output of the IMC is used to derive  communication messages of a  corporate website and or E-Commerce solutions.


 IMC Strategy

How IMC and Website and E Commerce work Together- the Big picture

 IMC empowers you with  a big picture of the corporate marketing  communication process that encompasses, various  channels, various target markets and various key objectives like branding and positioning,  market development and competitive  strategy. Doing marketing without understanding IMC is completely foolish- As Sun Tzu of The Art of War in  China says every war is won before the battle is fought. In  E-Business context this means  creating  a website and an e-commerce before applying analysis methods of   IMC, at best, the effort will be wasted.


In E-solutions ( Web CMS and E-Commerce Solutions  ) IMC analysis  is done in conjunction with UX Design, Information Architecture and Content Strategy. The process is iterative , since so many factors and so many people are concerned. In fact,  the use of Collaboration Server[5] is quite common in the IMC analysis and design step. Typically One note  and mindmap is used for research  and analysis and as a writing tool.


 ELM- elaboration Likelihood Model of Communication

Analyzing your methods, channels and Effective Process of Communication

 This is the central task of IMC, essentially you are examining various  alternatives to deliver the value message to the target segment of the market.  We utilize various Models of Communication- like Elaboration Likely Hood Model of Communication (ELM) as shown in figure 5.9 above. In ELM model we examine the message  receiver, the channel  and the authority of the  source of communication.

 Examining your Results and Revisions

  Various analytics tools provide  rapid feedback. Also consumer research provides before and after  feedback data. You should use such information to design your next pass of the IMC Analysis

 Various Case Studies and Creative Element of IMC

 The creative element of IMC is best understood by examining the case studies against the qualitative analysis frameworks of Belch and Belch IMC text[1].  We find Mindmap [4] to be effective in this process. The best is to work backwards from the target customer  to the business delivering the  messages, in the process competitive strategy and value chain of the messages has to be examined.[3] This means we need to understand our competition completely.[3]. This  understanding makes positioning effective and scientifically accurate. The source  & persona of the message is very  important in the communication.



 Integrated marketing and communication are intricately connected with Business Development . It is not uncommon that  many business has not been able to integrate IMC and E-business solutions. Such  partial measures has resulted in  websites and e-commerce not being effective and waste of time and effort.  Rapid feedback from various  web analytics tool can clearly  demonstrate the value of the IMC  in the communication and business development process.

Next Action Process

 Please contact us  regarding how integrated marketing & communication and E-Solutions can help your business. One of our Engineers will be happy to assist you in your endeavour.


The IMC Process  & ELM process  figures are taken from IMC Belch& Belch textbook [1]


 1.0 IMC- Belch & Belch- ISBN-13: 978-0073404868

2.0 IMC Handbook  ISBN-13: 978-1933199061

3.0 The Art of war- Sun Tzu-  ISBN-13: 978-1590300541

4.0 MINDMAP- Analysis Tools- software

5.0 Alfresco Collaboration Server- software

6.0 Microsoft One Note- software