Database forms the heart of Information systems. In fact it is difficult to Image any Information systems  without database attached to it.  Modern Websites, e-commerce and  Business Centric ERP/CRM Systems all use Database in one form and other in executing the task it is intended for[1][5].

Programming Database and Transaction Processing  System

Database forms the heart of Information systems. In fact it is difficult to Image any Information systems  without database attached to it.  Modern Websites, e-commerce and  Business Centric ERP/CRM Systems all use Database in one form and other in executing the task it is intended for[1][5].

A database is a repository of information managed by a database engine which ensures integrity of data and fast access to the data.

A very common implementation of a database is a Relational Database Management System (RDBM). To users, the information in a database can be accessed by using Structured Query Language (SQL) a database language common to most databases. However, SQL only provides commands to access and manipulate the data in the database.

For any complex application, there commonly is a need for conditions, branching, and loops. None of these are a part of the SQL language. In order to fill this gap, many common programming languages allow integration with SQL through a common library such as Open Data Base Connectivity (ODBC), Object Linking and Embedding (OLE), and sometimes with application programming interfaces or libraries supplied with the database.

In addition, most databases now have a simple language of their own which allows simple control for applications which do not need the full power of standard languages like C++ and Pascal. These simple languages are used to write stored procedures and are proprietary to each database.

 Database programming is used to create applications for business process automation. It is actually an ERP Implementation.  Many small business could use custom database programming either on the web or in client server mode. An example application will be  university course registration system.[4][1][3]

We work with Oracle, postgress, MYSQL and MSsql Databases. we use Java, and  PHP and C/C++ as the interfacing language.[4][2] In case you have  need to design and or modify database projects, please contact one of the Engineers  for details.


1.0 Postgres SQL- ISBN-13: 978-0672327568

2.0 Java Programming - Murach-ISBN-13: 978-1890774653

3.0 Mysql/PHP- ISBN-13: 978-0321833877

4.0 Design Patterns- UML- ISBN-13: 978-0201633610

5.0 Database and Transaction Processong- ISBN-13: 978-0201708721